Time is considered a valuable commodity in our society, but at the same time the clock puts us in our place every day with its hands. Light, on the other hand, shows us the way, gives us hope, gives us confidence. TIMEA wants to make the sense of time dependent on light again. The hours appear in a small clockwise circle and the four horizontal lines light up every quarter hour.

A watch at second glance, which should contribute to the deceleration of everyday life.

The design relies on clear, geometric shapes that are also familiar from ordinary watches: lines and circles. Rearranged and multiplied, they form an abstract shape whose function only becomes apparent at second glance.

TIMEA is made of painted and unpainted plywood. The control is done by an Arduino Mini board with Real-Time Clock module and the LED strips can be programmed by color.

Times below: 03:30 – 06:45 – 11:15

The design relies on clear, geometric shapes that are also familiar from ordinary watches: lines and circles. Rearranged and multiplied, they form an abstract shape whose function only becomes apparent at second glance.

TIMEA is made of painted and unpainted plywood. The control is done by an Arduino Mini board with Real-Time Clock module and the LED strips can be programmed by color.

Times below: 03:30 – 06:45 – 11:15